AUKUS ALLIANCE (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – IR)

News-CRUX-10     23rd March 2024        

Context: Recently, Australia and Britain affirmed that despite mounting concerns regarding costs, capabilities, and the potential return of the former USA president, the landmark AUKUS deal to develop nuclear-powered submarines would proceed as planned.

AUKUS Alliance

  • About: It is a strategic security alliance involving Australia, the UK, and the US, focusing on the Indo-Pacific region.
  • Established in: 2021.
  • Submarine Acquisition Assistance: The pact involves the US and UK aiding Australia in acquiring nuclear-powered submarines armed with conventional weapons.
  • Comprehensive Cooperation: AUKUS encompasses collaboration on various fronts such as cyber security, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, undersea capabilities, and more.

Significance of AUKUS

  • Promotion of Regional Freedom: AUKUS is geared towards upholding freedom and openness in the Indo-Pacific, particularly in areas like the South China Sea.
  • Countering China's Ambitions: The partnership serves to bolster Australia's naval strength, presenting a challenge to China's hegemonic aspirations in the region.
  • Enhanced Military Coordination: Operationalizing AUKUS will foster closer military coordination among participating nations, enhancing regional security.
  • Mitigating China's Encirclement of India: AUKUS could alleviate some of China's encirclement tactics against India by strengthening strategic alliances in the Indo-Pacific.
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