INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Sci and Tech)

News-CRUX-10     23rd March 2024        
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Context: India is preparing a framework to reward the industry and academia for developing copyrights, trademarks and patents in technical textiles, which are meant for non-aesthetic purposes.

oThe textiles ministry has proposed 10 years of exclusive rights for the industry to commercialise the intellectual property (IP) if their funding contribution is at least 50% in projects funded under the National Technical Textiles Mission (NTTM).

Intellectual Property

  • About: It refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce.
  • IP is protected by: Law, for example, patents, copyright and trademarks, GI tag etc., which enable people to earn recognition or financial benefit from what they invent or create.
  • Aim: To foster an environment in which creativity and innovation can flourish.
  • World intellectual property organization (WIPO): It is the global forum for intellectual property (IP) services, policy, information and cooperation.
  • In India: Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and Industry is the apex body regulating IPR.
  • Intellectual Property Rights: It refer to the entitlements granted to individuals for the products of their intellect. 

oTypically, these rights afford the creator exclusive control over the utilization of their creation for a specified duration.

National IPR Policy

  • About: It is initiated the National Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy in 2016, aligning with the vision of "Creative India; Innovative India".
  • Coverage and Synergies: The policy encompasses all forms of intellectual property (IP) and aims to establish synergies with other agencies, fostering a conducive environment for innovation.
  • Implementation: DPIIT, serving as the nodal department for IPR development in India, oversees the policy's implementation through the Cell for IPR Promotion & Management (CIPAM), providing a centralized reference point.
  • International Standards: India's IPR regime adheres to the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) agreement of the World Trade Organization (WTO), ensuring alignment with global standards.
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