ORDER OF THE DRUK GYALPO (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – IR)

News-CRUX-10     23rd March 2024        
output themes

Context: King of Bhutan Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck conferred Bhutan’s highest civilian award, the Order of the Druk Gyalpo, on Prime Minister of India in Thimpu.

Order Of The Druk Gyalpo

  • About: It is Bhutan’s most esteemed civilian honor, recognizing individuals for their exceptional contributions to society.
  • Lifetime Achievement Recognition: Instituted to honor lifetime achievements, this award symbolizes paramount importance in Bhutanese society.
  • Selection Criteria: Recipients are meticulously chosen based on their outstanding accomplishments and positive impact, reflecting Bhutanese values of service, integrity, and leadership.
  • Alignment with Bhutanese Values: Contributions are evaluated in accordance with Bhutanese values, emphasizing holistic development, cultural preservation, and regional harmony.

Why was Indian PM Awarded?

  • Recognition of Bilateral Ties: Prime minister of india’s award highlights the strong relationship between India and Bhutan, emphasizing the depth of their bilateral ties.
  • Leadership and Commitment: The citation accompanying the award underscores Modi's unwavering commitment to progress, reflecting his leadership qualities.
  • Economic Achievements: India’s PM leadership has contributed to India's remarkable economic growth, positioning it as the world's fastest-growing economy and a future global economic powerhouse.
  • Global Influence and Moral Authority: India’s Prime Minister leadership has bolstered India's moral authority and increased its global influence, making significant strides on the international stage.