Newspaper Rainbow Series

Simplifying Newspaper reading, this initiative identifies relevant headlines & best editorials summaries of the day from 7 National Dailies.

Shoring up Indo Pacific

Context: National security and shared stability in the Indo-Pacific region, could be achie..

3rd June 2020     Save

How Creative Destruction Could Yield New Market Opportunities

Context: Pandemic induced economic crisis (exogenous shock) will fundamentally alter exist..

3rd June 2020     Save

Asia needs India for post-Covid cooperation

Context: India needs to step up its engagement with Asian nations and provide leadership f..

3rd June 2020     Save

Forget Moody’s, Focus on the Mood

Context: The recent downgrade of rating from Baa2 to Baa3 for India by Moody, only focuses..

3rd June 2020     Save

Multilateralism in the new cold war

Context: With the rise of the new Cold War(defined by technology and not trade), non- alig..

3rd June 2020     Save

The challenge of law enforcement post COVID19

Context: Although there is a dip in crime activities during the pandemic, new forms of cri..

3rd June 2020     Save

Seizing the moment at the WHO

Context: As WHO executive body chair, India will have to navigate the power landscape with..

3rd June 2020     Save

Seizing the moment at the WHO

Context: As WHO executive body chair, India will have to navigate the power landscape with..

3rd June 2020     Save

How Punjab’s farmers rose to the challenge

Context: The handling of the challenges during the pandemic by the Punjab farmers and Gove..

3rd June 2020     Save

Interest Based Not Special

Context: Nepal’s approval of a new map including parts of Indian territory, reflects..

2nd June 2020     Save