Shoring up Indo Pacific

Newspaper Rainbow Series     3rd June 2020     Save    

Context: National security and shared stability in the Indo-Pacific region, could be achieved by focusing on the multilateral dimension, blue economy, and environmental protection.

The need for Multilateralism Policy 

  • Power Politics: impacts territorial disputes and international law. It is against the objective of a multipolar Asia in a multipolar world.
  • Traditional security policies, including the exchange of information and military cooperation have not lost its relevance.
  • Limited political integration in the Indo-Pacific: and is more intensely competing for ideological narratives.
  • Ensure national security: as it depends on the ability to foster multilateralism, blue economy, and environmental protection. 
  • Aggravated vulnerabilities: inequalities within societies, marginalisation of some coastal populations, and vulnerability to climate change

Advantages of Multilateralism Policy in Indo Pacific

  • Reduce tension and build common understandings of shared challenges. 
  • Unequaled mechanism to promote international norms and principles and facilitate their implementation by increasing the cost of unilateral policies. 
  • Represents a multiplying factor of national policies.
  • Multilateral frameworks such as the Asia-Europe Meeting, or the Indian Ocean Naval Symposium, can increase regional cooperation.
  • Promoting Blue Economy and environment by developing new economic sectors: like local job creation, preventing predation of certain projects when necessary, and upgrading their resilience to climate change. 

Conclusion: the only way ensure both national security and shared stability in Indo-Pacific region it to develop a multilateral dimension and focus on blue economy and environmental protection.

Quote: “We need to act for something and not against somebody”