The challenge of law enforcement post COVID19

Newspaper Rainbow Series     3rd June 2020     Save    

Context: Although there is a dip in crime activities during the pandemic, new forms of crimes are emerging. Post-COVID, police will have to find new ways to tackle challenges in maintaining law and order.

Changing crime scenarios:

  • Overall Drop in Crime: due to zero traffic and anti-social elements confined to their homes (Delhi Police reported a 70% decline in heinous crimes)
  • Rise in Domestic Violence: due to unemployment and non-availability of liquor. Highlights vulnerability of girls and women during epidemics.
  • Transforming organized crime: innovative methods to tap into illicit markets like making profits through the sale of prescription drugs.
  • Increased cybercrime: donations for the cause of combating COVID are under threat.
  • Keeping prison virus-free: Supreme Court has asked all the state to form a high-powered committee to consider releasing convicts who have been jailed up to 7 years.

Way Forward

  • Introspect: Drafting a Standard Operating Procedure for the future based on the recent experience of the pandemic.
  • Public cooperation: has helped the resource-starved police system in maintaining law and order during the pandemic. This experience should act as a building block for future police-public relations.
  • Think of new ways: to deal with new challenges in an innovative manner.