Newspaper Rainbow Series

Simplifying Newspaper reading, this initiative identifies relevant headlines & best editorials summaries of the day from 7 National Dailies.

India Could Play a Role in Calibrating Future of Work

Context: India being the world’s largest pool of technology talent could play a larg..

5th June 2020     Save

Let us Prepare Oueselves for Great Reset of Modern Capitalism

Context:  Challenges posed by Covid-19 induced crises need to be tackled by resetting..

5th June 2020     Save

Silver Linings

Context: Rising opportunities in healthcare could replicate the IT sector’s success...

5th June 2020     Save

Reimagining GST for the post-Covid era

Context: Reimagining GST for the post-Covid era should avoid one-size-fits-all cut and sho..

5th June 2020     Save

The indignity of labour laws

Context: Suspending the entire labour law as some states have tried is not sustainable. L..

5th June 2020     Save

Make States Healthy Again

Context: State governments can be better armed financially to fight COVID-19 by issuing pu..

5th June 2020     Save

How to make the green gains sustainable

Context: While the pandemic has provided temporary gains in environmental consciousness du..

5th June 2020     Save

Ailing healthcare

Context: Subsidised medical education should serve the public interest. Doctors Abnegatin..

5th June 2020     Save

What is Atmanirbhar Bharat

Context: Self-reliance does not imply import substitution or autarkic isolationism (licens..

5th June 2020     Save

A Middle Power Moment

Context: India needs to build a series of overlapping bilateral and multilateral platforms..

4th June 2020     Save