Let us Prepare Oueselves for Great Reset of Modern Capitalism

Newspaper Rainbow Series     5th June 2020     Save    

Context:  Challenges posed by Covid-19 induced crises need to be tackled by resetting and reimaging the foundations of our economic and social systems and 

Need of Great Reset of Modern Capitalism

  • The long-term impact of the health crisis: on growth, debt, unemployment, and well-being.
  • Climate, social and fiscal crises: will weaken the social and economic systems.
  • The post-pandemic world: will be less sustainable, equal, and resilient.

Aspects to the Great Reset

  • Social contracts: to ensure fair and equal opportunities, and accelerate “net-zero" CO2 pathways
  • Creating equal and fairer outcomes: by steering and nudging the market.
  • Channeling investments to build better.
  • Using the innovations of the fourth industrial revolution for good. 

Way Forward 

  • Expanded role of governments: in aligning taxes, subsidies, fiscal policies, trade arrangements, and other regulations, and create the conditions for a stakeholder economy.
  • Ensure distributional equity: of the burden of the crisis by reassessing wealth taxes, ending carbon industry subsidies, rewriting intellectual property, trade, and competition rules.
  • New and expanded investment programmes for systems change.
  • Once-in-a-generation funds: for funding green infrastructure in cities and incentivising companies with good environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics.
  • Use of the fourth Industrial Revolution (IR-4): to address health and other social issues.