1.Right to die with dignity: Karnataka Health Department has recently issued an order enforcing the Supreme Court's ruling on patients' right to die with dignity.
o The state has introduced an Advance Medical Directive (AMD) or living will, allowing patients to record their wishes regarding future medical treatment.
o Beneficiaries: This will benefit terminally ill patients, those in a persistent vegetative state, and those not benefiting from life-sustaining treatments, planning for euthanasia.
o Passive Euthanasia: It involves withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatment but has led to public confusion. In India, active euthanasia is a crime.
ü Supreme Court Ruling (2018): A five-Judge Bench ruled that the right to die with dignity is a fundamental right (Common Cause v Union of India Case).
ü It said that a terminally ill person can opt for passive euthanasia and execute a living will to refuse medical treatment.
o Active Euthanasia: In India, active euthanasia is a crime.