4.India’s 21st Livestock Census: The Census was started in October 2024 expected to conclude the result by July 2025.
o Conducted by the Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying.
o Covers 16 species and 219 breeds of livestock.
o Data Collection: Mobile app with image upload, location tracking, and breed identification.
o Recognizes the livestock sector’s role in nutrition, employment, and income generation.
o Past Trends (2019 Census): Decline in camels (-37.1%), pigs (-12.03%), horses (-45.2%), donkeys (-61.2%).
o Increase in poultry (+16.08%).
o Haryana’s Cow Protection Act (2015, 2019) restricted cattle trade and slaughter.
o Women in Livestock Farming: Over 70% of livestock farmers are women.