ONE WEEK ONE LAB CAMPAIGN (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 - Sci & Tech)

Context: CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR) has recently accomplished its One Week One Lab (OWOL) Programme. During a week-long time period, NIScPR conducted a series of events focused on different angles of Institute’s objectives and mandate.

One Week One Lab Campaign

  • Conducted by: CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR).
  • It will highlight: India’s global excellence in technology, innovation and Start-ups.
  • Objectives: CSIR’s 37 constituent laboratories, spread nationwide, will showcase their legacy, exclusive innovations and technological breakthroughs every successive week.

o During the campaign each CSIR lab shall be organizing week-long events including industry & start-up meet, students connect, society connect, display of technologies, etc.

o The campaign will focus on academia and skill development, where interested students from varying domains get to know about the research activities and facilities of the CSIR laboratories and get a connection with prospects.

o Industries & MSMEs Meets are targeted to establish an understanding between Science and Industry based on the requirement of the society or regional needs and to identify potential industries for co-development of Next Gen technologies and products.

  • Aim: To create networks of Govt- Academia-Industry for faster deliveries and deployments of technologies.