News-CRUX-10     10th May 2024        

Context: The National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) recently updated its "Dietary Guidelines for Indians," providing revised recommendations for optimal nutrition.

National Institute of Nutrition

  • About: It is an Indian public health, nutrition and translational research centre.
  • Establishment: 1918
  • Nodal Agency: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
  • Headquarter: Hyderabad
  • Functions:

o To evolve effective methods of management and prevention of nutritional problems.

o To conduct operational research connected with planning and implementation of national nutrition programmes. 

o To dovetail nutrition research with other health programmes of the government.

NIN Guidelines

  • An estimated 56.4% of India’s total disease burden is linked to unhealthy diets, as per guidelines.
  • According to the National Nutrition Survey 2019, around 5% of children aged 5-9 and 6% of adolescents were overweight or obese.
  • Almost 2% of children and adolescents were diagnosed with diabetes, with another 10% having pre-diabetes.
  • 37.3% of children aged 5-9 had high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL and triglycerides).
  • 19.9% of pre-teens and teens aged 10-19 also exhibited elevated bad cholesterol levels.
  • NIN recommends earthen pots as the safest cookware option, which is eco-friendly and requires less oil for food preparation.
  • Earthen pots are noted for their ability to preserve the nutrition of food.
  • NIN has issued guidelines for the use of metal, steel, non-stick pans, and granite stones.