BHOJSHALA DISPUTE (Syllabus: GS Paper 1 – History)

Context: Recently, the Supreme Court issued a restraining order against the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) from conducting excavations while conducting its scientific survey of Bhojshala, a protected 11th-century monument in Madhya Pradesh's Dhar.

ASI Survey of Bhojshala

  • About: An historic building located in Dhar, Madhya Pradesh.
  • History

oThe name is derived from:  The celebrated king Bhoja of the Paramara dynasty of central India.

oBuilt by: Paramara dynasty in the 10th century.

oCapital: The medieval circular city of Dhar, a capital of Malwa.

oMaratha capital: Later served as the Maratha capital of the Powers in the 18th century.

  • Legal Status: Designated as a Monument of National Importance under the Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958 (AMASR Act).

oProtected by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI.

  • Religious Practices: Hindus are permitted to worship inside the Bhojshala complex every Tuesday, whereas Muslims are allowed to offer namaz at the site every Friday, as per an ASI order from April 7, 2003.
  • Function

oProminent centre: Functioned as a prominent centre for education, manuscript compilation, exchange, and cattle trading.

oCentre of metallurgy: Suggested to be a centre of metallurgy, indicated by the name Dharanagara (city of swords) and the presence of an iron pillar.

Paramara Dynasty

  • Origins and Rise: The Paramaras established dominance in the Malwa region of central India, supplanting the Pratihara empire of Kanauj.
  • Capital: Dharanagar
  • Clan Origins: Legend holds that the Paramara or Pawar clan emerged from the Agnikund of Mount Abu, adding mystique to their lineage.
  • Raja Bhoj's Reign (1018-1060): Raja Bhoj, one of the most renowned rulers of the dynasty, reigned from 1018 to 1060.
  • Notable Works: Raja Bhoj authored several significant works, including "Ayurveda Sangraha," "Yukti Kalpataru," and "Samranga Suthradhara," focusing on various subjects like medicine, principles, and architecture respectively.