AAINA DASHBOARD (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – Government Schemes)

Context: Recently, the ‘AAINA Dashboard for Cities’ portal has been made live by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA).

AAINA Dashboard for Cities

  • Launched by: Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA)
  • Aim: To create a robust database of the key performance metrics of Urban Local Bodies
  • Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
  • Objectives: To help cities to

oSee how they are faring vis-à-vis other cities

oInspire them by pointing to possibilities and areas of improvement

oProvide an opportunity to learn and engage with frontrunners.

  • Will it rank ULBs: The AAINA dashboard will not rank ULBs. It would serve as a tool for comparing similarly placed cities and promoting peer learning among cities.

  • Pillars: The dashboard will provide information on the status and progress of the ULBs on five pillars:

oPolitical & Administrative Structure



oCitizen-Centric Governance

oDelivery of Basic Services.

  • Significance: This dashboard will inspire the ULBs by pointing to possibilities and areas of improvement and providing them the opportunity to learn and engage with frontrunners.