Human Wild Life Conflict

Free PDF's     31st July 2023        
Introduction: Human-wildlife conflict refers to the negative interactions or conflicts that arise when human activities intersect with the natural behaviour and habitat of wildlife.

Causes of Human-Wildlife Conflict:

  • Habitat Loss and Fragmentation
  • Competition for Resources
  • Encroachment into Wildlife Territories
  • Changes in Land Use
  • Human Waste and Food Availability
  • Climate Change
  • Insufficient knowledge and understanding

Impacts of Human-Wildlife Conflict:

  • Livelihood and Economic Losses: For instance, studies estimate that farmers in some regions of India experience annual crop losses of up to 20%, leading to economic losses of millions of dollars.
  • Conservation Challenges: According to a survey conducted in India, 40% of respondents expressed negative perceptions of wildlife, associating them with threats to agriculture and human safety.
  • Human Casualties and Injuries: In 2020, India recorded approximately 800 reported cases of human injuries caused by wildlife attacks, with the majority occurring in conflict-prone regions.
  • Displacement and Relocation: Over the past decade, an estimated 100,000 people in India have been displaced or forced to relocate due to human-wildlife conflicts, resulting in social and cultural disruptions in affected communities.
  • Impaired Food Security: Jeopardized food security due to crop destruction and livestock loss. 

Mitigation and Management Strategies

    • Physical Barriers: Fencing, trenches, or barriers to prevent wildlife access to human settlements or agricultural areas.
    • Non-lethal Deterrents: Use of noise devices, visual deterrents, or guard animals to discourage wildlife from approaching human settlements.
    • Lion Lights Project: LED lights placed around livestock enclosures in Kenya to mimic human presence, deterring lions and reducing livestock predation.
    • Compensation and Insurance Schemes: Providing compensation or insurance coverage for losses suffered by farmers due to wildlife damage.
    • Snow Leopard Trust Compensation Program: Herders in Central Asia receive compensation for livestock losses caused by snow leopards, promoting conservation and reducing retaliatory killings.
    • Community Engagement
    • Habitat Restoration and Corridor Creation: Enhancing habitat connectivity and creating buffer zones to reduce human-wildlife conflicts.
    • Policy and Legal Frameworks: Governments enact policies and regulations to address human-wildlife conflict,.

Conclusion: Human-wildlife conflict necessitates a balance between conservation goals and the needs of communities living close to wildlife. The resolution lies in fostering coexistence through innovative, locally-tailored strategies that prioritize both human welfare and wildlife conservation.
