UNDP’S REPORT ON HDI (Syllabus GS Paper 3 – Economy)

News-CRUX-10     15th March 2024        

Context: India has recently ascended a rank on the global Human Development Index (HDI), as per the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) report 'Breaking the gridlock: Reimagining cooperation in a polarised world' released.

Highlight of the Report

  • India's Global Ranking Improvement: India's global ranking improved marginally from 135 in 2021 to 134 in 2022, amidst a total of 193 ranked countries in 2022 and 191 in 2021.
  • Regional Disparities in Human Development: India lags behind its southern neighbor Sri Lanka (78) and China (75) in the High Human Development category, while also falling below Bhutan (125) and Bangladesh (129) in the Medium Human Development category. Switzerland holds the top position.
  • Comparison with Neighboring Nations: India outperforms Nepal (146) and Pakistan (164) in global rankings.
  • Life Expectancy Improvement: India's life expectancy at birth saw a slight increase from 67.2 years in 2021 to 67.7 years in 2022.
  • Enhancement in Expected Years of Schooling (EYS): There is an overall increase (5.88%) in expected years of schooling (EYS) from 11.9 years to 12.6 years, resulting in an improvement of 18 places in rankings when considering the EYS aspect.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

  • About: The UNDP's mandate encompasses ending poverty, fostering democratic governance, advancing the rule of law, and establishing inclusive institutions.
  • Objective: It serves as an advocate for change and facilitates connections between countries, offering access to knowledge, experience, and resources to improve people's lives.
  • Establishment: In 1966 by the General Assembly of the United Nations, the UNDP has been actively engaged in global development efforts for decades.
  • Focus Areas: UNDP's work is concentrated in three primary areas: Sustainable development, Democratic governance and peace building, and Climate and disaster resilience.
  • Funding: The UNDP operates on voluntary contributions from member nations, relying entirely on their financial support to carry out its mission.
  • Headquarters: New York, USA.