RAFALE MARINE JETS (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Sci and Tech)

Context: Recently, India has received price bids from France for the purchase of 26 Rafale-M carrier-based fighters, along with three additional Scorpene-class conventional submarines.

Rafale Marine Jets

  • Naval Variant: The Rafale Marine fighters represent the naval iteration of the Rafale jets, and India currently operates 36 of them within the Indian Air Force.
  • Advanced Multirole Fighters: Dassault Aviation (France) manufactures the Rafales, which are advanced twin-engine, multirole fighter jets. They come equipped with cutting-edge sensors, radar, and the latest weapon systems.
  • India-Specific Enhancements: These jets have undergone enhancements tailored specifically for India, endowing them with the capability to execute a diverse range of missions.
  • Anti-ship Strike Mechanism: The Rafale M is set to feature the AM39 Exocet missile, enhancing its capability for anti-ship strikes.
  • Payload Capacity: With a capacity to carry up to 9.5 tonnes of weaponry, fuel tanks, and pods on 13 external hardpoints (14 for the air force variant), the Rafale M demonstrates proficiency in low-level, high-speed penetrations for evading enemy radar.
  • Expanded Weapon Capabilities: Rafale Marine jets boast an extended arsenal, capable of carrying a broader range of weapons, including anti-ship and air-to-surface missiles.