PRB BILL 2023 (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – Polity)

News-CRUX-10     22nd December 2023        
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Context: Recently, the Lok Sabha approved the 'Press and Registration of Periodicals Bill, 2023,' as passed by the Parliament.

Press and Registration of Periodicals Bill, 2023

  • It repeals: The Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867. 

Key provisions of the Bill

  • Registration of Periodicals:  The Act provides for the registration of newspapers, periodicals, and books. 

oThe Bill provides for the registration of periodicals, which include any publication containing public news or comments on public news.  Periodicals do not include books or scientific and academic journals.

  • Foreign Periodicals:  An exact reproduction of a foreign periodical may be printed in India only with the prior approval of the central government.  
  • Press Registrar General:  The Act provides for the central government to appoint a Press Registrar who maintains a register of newspapers.  
  • Registration of a Printing Press: The Act requires a printing press to be declared before the DM. The Bill allows for information regarding printing presses to be submitted to the Press Registrar General through an online portal.
  • Suspension and Cancellation of Registration:  The Bill allows the Press Registrar General to suspend a periodical’s registration for a minimum period of 30 days which can extend to 180 days.  
  • The registration may be suspended due to: (i) registration obtained by furnishing false information, (ii) failure to publish periodicals continuously, and (iii) giving false particulars in annual statements.  
  • The Press Registrar General may cancel the registration for a minimum period of 30 days which can extend to 180 days.
  • Penalties and appeal: The Bill empowers the Press Registrar General to impose penalties for: (i) publishing periodicals without registration (up to five lakh rupees), (ii) failing to furnish annual statement within the specified time (up to Rs 20,000 on first default). 