NIGERIA (Syllabus: GS Paper 1 – Geography)

News-CRUX-10     26th September 2023        
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Context: According to a new World Bank report, the Nigerian economy can earn an additional $8.1 billion annually by closing gender gaps prevailing in the country’s agricultural sector.

  • The gender gap is the difference between women and men as reflected in social, political, intellectual, cultural, or economic attainments or attitudes.

Key Points of Report

  • In Nigeria, women are 10 per cent less likely to work in the agricultural sector than men and women farmers produce 30 per cent less per hectare than their male counterparts.
  • In Nigeria, women primarily grow staple food crops, while men engage more in cash crops.
  • Gender gaps are significantly wider regarding the quantity of pesticide used per hectare (in kilograms).


  • About: It is an African country on the Gulf of Guinea, has many natural landmarks and wildlife reserves
  • Capital: Abuja
  • Currency: Naira
  • Protected Areas: Cross River National Park and Yankari National Parks
  • Vegetation: Savanna and rare primate habitats. 
  • Shares borders with: Niger in the North, Chad in the North-East, Cameroon in the East & Benin in the West.
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