NEW STUDY ON MARS (Syllabus: GS Paper 1 – Geography)

Context: According to a new study, there could be oceans’ worth of liquid water deep in the rocky outer crust of Mars.

Liquid water in the Martian mid-crust’

  • Conducted by: University of California San Diego.
  • Purpose of the Study: The findings aim to enhance understanding of Mars' water cycle, which could provide insights into the planet’s climate, surface, and interior evolution, and support the search for life on Mars.
  • Findings:

o Location of Water: A layer of fractured igneous rock filled with liquid water was found approximately 10 to 20 km below Mars’ surface.

o Water Source: The study suggests the water may have seeped from the surface billions of years ago when Mars had bodies of water like rivers, lakes, and possibly oceans.

o Volume of Water: If representative of the entire planet, the water in rock fractures could form a 1-2 km-deep ocean on Mars.

  • Implications

oPotential for Life: The discovery of liquid water does not confirm life but suggests the possibility of a habitable environment on Mars.

oHistorical Context: The water's presence indicates that Mars’ upper crust was once warmer, allowing groundwater infiltration from the surface.


  • About: It is the fourth planet from the Sun, derives its name from the Roman God of war and is commonly referred to as the "Red Planet" due to its distinctive reddish appearance.
  • Composition: The reddish coloration of Mars is attributed to the presence of a significant amount of iron oxide, commonly known as rust, in its surface rocks and soil.
  • Size: Mars is almost half the size of Earth, with a diameter of 6,791 kilometers, making it the second smallest planet in our solar system after Mercury. 
  • Moons: It is also home to the moons Phobos and Deimos.