News-CRUX-10     25th June 2024        
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Context: India is hosting the 64th International Sugar Organisation (ISO) Council Meeting in New Delhi.

International Sugar Organisation (ISO)

  • About: ISO is the unique intergovernmental body devoted to improving conditions on the world's sugar market through Debate, Analysis, Special Studies, Transparent Statistics, Seminars, Conferences and Workshops.
  • Headquarter: London.
  • Member: 87 countries including India.
  • Objectives:

oTo ensure enhanced international cooperation in connection with world sugar matters and related issues.

oTo provide a forum for intergovernmental consultations on sugar and on ways to improve the world sugar economy.

oTo facilitate trade by collecting and providing information on the world sugar market and other sweeteners.

oTo encourage increased demand for sugar, particularly for non-traditional uses.

Indian Sugar Industry

  • Consumer: India has been the largest consumer and second largest producer of sugar in the world. 
  • Production: India has about 15% share in global sugar consumption and about 20% in production of sugar.
  • Sugarcane in Major Growing States: Maharashtra>Uttar Pradesh >Karnataka.
  • Major Sugar producers: Brazil, India, Thailand, China, and the United States.
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