WORLD CRAFTS COUNCIL (Syllabus: GS Paper 1 – Art and Culture)

Context: Srinagar has earned the World Craft City (WCC) tag from the World Crafts Council (WCC).

World Crafts Council (WCC)

  • About: It is a non-government organisation working to empower artisans and safeguard craft heritage globally. 
  • Established by: Ms. Aileen Osborn Vanderbilt Webb, Ms. Margaret M. Patch, and Smt Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay at the 1st World Crafts Council General Assembly in New York on June 12, 1964.
  • Presidential Term: The Presidency of the organization changes every four years.
  • Headquarters: The current headquarters for the term (2021-2024) is located in the State of Kuwait.
  • Affiliation with UNESCO: Since its inception, the World Crafts Council AISBL has been affiliated with UNESCO under Consultative Status for many years.
  • Objective: To strengthen the status of crafts in cultural and economic life, promoting fellowship among craftspersons, fostering cultural exchange, and promoting wider knowledge and recognition of craftspeople's work while respecting their diverse cultural and national backgrounds.

Significance of the Award

  • Recognition: Srinagar being designated as a "World Craft City" underscores the exceptional skill and dedication of its artisans and craftsmen.
  • Enriching Cultural Heritage: The traditional craftsmanship in Srinagar has significantly enriched its cultural heritage, contributing to a legacy admired globally.
  • Global Admiration: The skills and products from Srinagar are not only treasured locally but also revered worldwide, highlighting their universal appeal.
  • Preservation of Unique Crafts: The award aims to honor and safeguard the diverse range of crafts indigenous to Srinagar, ensuring their continuity and protection.