News-CRUX-10     17th August 2023        
QEP Pocket Notes

Context: A recent report focusing on the first phase of the Inclusive Conservation Initiative (ICI) highlights that although there has been an increase in funding commitments for Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IP and LC) to enhance conservation efforts, the overall funding landscape for them remains largely unchanged.

Key Points

  • The report, on the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, notes that despite growing evidence of the positive impact of IP and LC involvement in conservation, donors have allocated less than 1% of climate change mitigation and adaptation funding to them.
  • The report highlights that in Latin America, while national and local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) implement 26% of disbursements, Indigenous Peoples’ organizations are attributed with 41% of the funding, emphasizing the central role of local efforts in conservation financing.
  • In June 2023, during the Subsidiary Bodies 58 (SB 58) conference in Bonn, Germany, Indigenous Peoples’ groups from around the world, including India, called for representation on the Transitional Committee (TC) for the establishment of a Loss and Damage Fund (LDF). 
  • The committee is composed of 24 members, 10 of whom are from developed countries and 14 from developing countries. 

Inclusive Conservation Initiative (ICI)

  • About: The Inclusive Conservation Initiative (ICI) was endorsed by Global Environment Facility (GEF) in 2022.
  • Aim: To enhance Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ (IPs and LCs) efforts to protect land, waters and natural resources to deliver global environmental benefits.
    • The initiative will support enhanced Indigenous and community stewardship across 7.5 million hectares of landscapes, seascapes, and territories with high biodiversity and irreplaceable ecosystems.

  • Technical support and supervision by: Conservation International and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
  • Significance: Indigenous Peoples and local communities make up just 5% of the world’s population. But they steward 25% of land and 40% of intact ecosystems on Earth. Yet, many have lacked financial support to improve and scale their sustainable management of these territories.
    • This initiative will provide financial support to these Indigenous and locally-led initiatives.
QEP Pocket Notes