High Entropy Alloys (HEAs)

5.High Entropy Alloys (HEAs): Scientists in Bengaluru have recently developed a new alloy-based catalyst for improved hydrogen production through water electrolysis.

  • About HEA: The catalyst uses HEA, reducing reliance on expensive materials like platinum for clean energy.
  • HEA Properties: Alloys usually contain two or more elements, while HEAs have five or more in almost equal concentrations.

o HEAs are stabilized by entropy (disorder), overcoming enthalpy (internal energy + pressure-volume product).

o They show high versatility and potential for water-splitting applications.

  • Development of HEA Catalyst: Developed by Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences (CeNS), Bengaluru (autonomous institute under DST).
  • Metals Used: Platinum (Pt), Palladium (Pd), Cobalt (Co), Nickel (Ni), Manganese (Mn).
  • Guided by: Dr. Prashant Singh, AMES National Laboratory, USA.
  • Two Synthesis Methods: Electrodeposition (room temperature, atmospheric pressure) & Solvothermal Process (high temperature & pressure, optimized solvent & reducing agent).
  • Performance & Benefits: HEA catalyst produced efficient hydrogen with minimal energy loss.

o Higher durability & stability compared to commercial catalysts.

o Used 7x less platinum while offering better catalytic efficiency than pure platinum.

o Stable & efficient for 100+ hours in alkaline seawater without degradation.

Impact & Future Prospects: Cost-effective & sustainable alternative for green hydrogen production →Potential applications in industries & renewable energy technologies.