HATTEE COMMUNITY (Syllabus: GS Paper 1 – Art and Culture)

News-CRUX-10     2nd January 2024        
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Context: The Himachal Pradesh government issued notification to give Scheduled Tribe status to the Hattee community of Trans-Giri area of Sirmaur district.

Hattee Community

  • About: The Hattees express uncertainty regarding the identity of the community, especially concerning the inclusion of individuals already classified as Scheduled Castes (SC).a
  • Origin of Name: Hattee community, named after their traditional occupation of selling home-grown crops, vegetables, meat, and wool at small-town markets known as 'haats.'
  • Geographic Presence: Himachal-Uttarakhand border in the basin of the Giri and Tons rivers—both tributaries of the Yamuna.
  • Similar Traditions in Trans-Giri and Jaunsar Bawar: The two Hatti clans, situated in Trans-Giri and Jaunsar Bawar, share similar traditions, fostering a community where inter-marriages are common.
  • Caste System Dynamics: The Bhat and Khash are considered upper castes, while the Badhois occupy a lower position. Traditionally, inter-caste marriages have been discouraged.
  • The 'Khumbli': Governance within the Hatti community is overseen by a traditional council known as 'khumbli.' This council, akin to Haryana's 'khaps,' plays a crucial role in deciding community matters.
  • Political Presence in Sirmaur and Shimla Regions: The Hattis wield a significant political presence, particularly in about nine Assembly seats within the Sirmaur and Shimla regions, showcasing their impact on regional politics.
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