HALAL Syllabus GS Paper 3 - Agriculture)

Context: Recently, the Uttar Pradesh Government's Food Security and Drug Administration issued a ban on the "manufacture, sale, storage, and distribution of halal-certified products with immediate effect."


  • About: A Halal certification is a guarantee that the food is prepared adhering to the Islamic law and is unadulterated.
  • Halal certificates simply tell a consumer whether a product meets the requirements for being considered halal or not. They do not indicate the presence of meat, or in and of themselves, have nothing to do with meat.
  • Agency: No Nodal Agency
  • India does not have an official regulator for the certification of halal products.
  • International Accreditations: Halal India’s certification is recognised by Qatar’s Ministry of Public Health, the UAE’s Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology, and Malaysia’s Department of Islamic Development, among others.

Mythological Significance

  • Halal means everything that is allowed or in compliance with Islamic law. 
  • The concept of 'haram', which in Arab culture means things that are unacceptable or illegal in Islamic law.