GLOBAL INNOVATION INDEX (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – Report and Indics)

Context: Recently, India maintained its 40th position among 132 economies in the Global Innovation Index (GII) for 2023, according to the World Intellectual Property Organization's report.

Key Points of Report

  • Switzerland maintains its top spot as the most innovative economy for the 13th consecutive year in 2023, with Sweden following closely behind.
  • India ranked first among the 37 lower-middle group income and first among the 10 economies in Central and South America
  • India maintains its 40th position overall and takes the helm in the lower middle-income group. It holds the record for overperforming on innovation for the 13th consecutive year.

Global Innovation Index (GII)

  • About: The GII is a reliable tool for governments across the world to assess the innovation-led social and economic changes in their respective countries.
  • Co-publishers of the Report: Cornell University, INSEAD Business School, and WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization).
  • Innovation Measurement Criteria: Institutions, human capital and research, infrastructure, credit, investment, linkages, creation, absorption, and diffusion of knowledge, as well as creative outputs.

World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)

  • Found: 1967
  • Aim: To encourage creative activity, to promote the protection of intellectual property throughout the world”.
  • WIPO currently administers 26 international treaties.
  • Members: 193 countries
  • Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland.
  • World Intellectual Property Day: Every year on 26th April