GLOBAL GENDER GAP REPORT 2024 (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – Social Issues)

News-CRUX-10     13th June 2024        
QEP Pocket Notes

Context: The World Economic Forum's latest report on the Global Gender Gap highlights significant strides towards gender parity, while underscoring the persistent challenges that continue to hinder full equality.

Global Gender Gap Report 2024

  • About: An index designed to measure gender equality.

oAnnually benchmarks the current state and evolution of gender parity across different dimensions.

  • Published by: the World Economic Forum.
  • Parameters

oEconomic participation and opportunity

oEducational attainment

oPolitical empowerment

oHealth and survival

Indian context

  • Rank: India stands at the 129th position, slipping 2 ranks since 2023.
  • Score: 64.1%
  • Neighbour: Bangladesh at the 99th position, Nepal at 117th, Sri Lanka at 122nd, and Bhutan at 124th and Pakistan at 145th position.
  • Top ranking countries: Iceland retaining its top position. The rest are Finland, Norway, New Zealand, Sweden, Nicaragua, Germany, Namibia, Ireland , and Spain .
QEP Pocket Notes