4.GARBHINI-DRISHTI: The dedication of India’s First Ferret Research Facility called ‘GARBHINI-DRISHTI’ has recently launched.

  • About India's First Ferret Research Facility: State-of-the-art facility adhering to high biosafety and research standards.

o Focus on vaccine development, therapeutic testing, and research on infectious diseases.

o Strengthens India’s pandemic preparedness and global scientific standing.

  • About the launch of GARBH-INi-DRISHTI: Developed under GARBH-INi program, collecting data from 12,000+ pregnant women, newborns & postpartum mothers.

o One of South Asia’s largest maternal & child health databasesAims to improve maternal & neonatal health outcomes through collaborative research.

Agreement: THSTI signed an agreement with Sundyota Numandis Probioceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
  • Facilitates commercialization of THSTI’s synthetic microbial consortium (Lactobacillus crispatus).
  • Derived from GARBH-INi cohort, holds promise for nutraceutical applications & microbiome-based interventions.
  • Significance: These initiatives advance biomedical research, data-driven healthcare, and industry partnerships Propel India towards a healthier and more prosperous future.