FIRST REGULATION LAW ON AI (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 - Sci and Tech)

Context: The European Union becomes the very first continent to set clear rules for the use of AI.

  • The world’s first set of comprehensive laws to regulate the use of artificial intelligence (AI) after a marathon 37-hour negotiation between the European Parliament and the EU member states.

The EU Framework

  • Facial Recognition: The agreement incorporates stringent limitations on facial recognition technology and the use of AI for manipulating human behaviour. 

oStrict penalties are outlined for companies found violating these regulations.

  • Surveillance Guidelines: Governments are authorized to employ real-time biometric surveillance in public areas only under specific circumstances, such as serious threats like terrorist attacks.
  • EU Classification of AI Applications: This framework categorizes AI applications into four risk classes.

oCertain applications, including mass-scale facial recognition and those focused on behavioural control, face significant restrictions or outright bans.

oHigh-risk applications, like AI tools for self-driving cars, are permitted but subject to certification and transparency requirements.

India’s Approach

  • India has positioned itself, particularly to Global South nations, as a country adept at leveraging technology for scalable governance solutions.
  • At the core of India's strategy is Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI), a framework where government-sanctioned technology serves as the foundation for developing diverse use cases by private entities.
  • Having successfully applied the DPI model, India now aims to adopt a similar approach for Artificial Intelligence (AI).