EXERCISE DOSTI 16 (Syllabus: GS Paper 2 – IR)

News-CRUX-10     24th February 2024        
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Context: Indian and Sri Lankan coast guard ships reached the Maldives recently to take part in the trilateral coast guard exercise Dosti 16.

Exercise Dosti 16

  • About: It is a trilateral coast guard exercise between India, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives.
  • Biennial Event: The exercise occurs every two years, emphasizing regular collaboration among the participating nations.
  • Historical Background: Originating in 1991 between India and the Maldives, Sri Lanka joined in 2012, marking an expansion of the exercise's scope.
  • Focus Areas: Exercises and drills center on providing assistance in sea accidents, eliminating sea pollution, and refining Coast Guard procedures during crises like oil spills.
  • Aim: The primary goal is to strengthen friendship, enhance operational capability, foster interoperability, and bolster cooperation among the three Coast Guards.
  • Dosti 16 Edition: This year marks the 16th edition of the Dosti exercise, signifying its enduring importance in regional maritime security.
  • Participant: The Maldives, India, and Sri Lanka's Coast Guards, along with observers from Bangladesh, are actively engaged in Dosti 16.
  • Indian Contribution: India's participation includes deploying ICGS Samarth, ICGS Abhinav, and ICG Dornier, showcasing its commitment to the exercise's success.
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