News-CRUX-10     19th October 2023        
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Context: Recently, a Lok Sabha speaker has referred a complaint against a sitting Member of Parliament (MP) to the House Ethics Committee.

Ethics Committee in Parliament

  • It comes under the ‘committee to inquire’.
  • Each house of the parliament has its own ethics committee.
  • Lok Sabha

o Constitution: 2000

o Composition: 15 Members including Chairman

o Appointment: By Lok Sabha Speaker

o Tenure: 1 year

  • Rajya Sabha

o Constitution: 1997

o Composition: 10 Members including Chairman

o Appointment: By Rajya Sabha Chairman

o Tenure: 1 year

Functions of Ethics Committee

  • The primary role is to supervise the moral and ethical behavior of Members of Parliament.
  • It reviews cases referred to it regarding the ethical conduct and misconduct of Members, initiated by the Speaker in the Lok Sabha and the Chairman in the Rajya Sabha.
  • The committee also establishes a code of conduct for members and suggests revisions as necessary.
  • It offers guidance to members on ethical matters, either proactively or upon request.
  • The committee can handle complaints of ethical misconduct, initiated by any individual or taken up on its own.
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