CLIMATE CHANGE PERFORMANCE INDEX (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Environment)

News-CRUX-10     9th December 2023        

Context: The report Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) 2024, was recently release during the COP28 session.

Climate Change Performance Index, 2024

  • Released by: German watch, New Climate Institute and Climate Action Network Europe.
  • About: It is an annual report that has been prepared since 2005 with the involvement of nearly 450 climate and energy experts, assesses each country’s performance in four categories:

o(1) GHG Emission (40%)

o(2) Renewable Energy (20%)

o(3) Energy Use(20%) 

o(4) Climate Policy (20%).

  • Ranking: No country has occupied the first three ranks.

oDenmark retained the top spot followed by Estonia and the Philippines.

oIndia: India has been ranked 7th , an improvement of one spot over last year’s performance when it was ranked eighth.

üOf the four indices considered, India was ranked 9th in GHG Emissions and 10th in Energy Use among assessed countries; 10th in Climate Policy and 37th in Renewable Energy.

output themes