CAFE NORMS (Syllabus: GS Paper 3 – Env & Eco)

Context: In a move designed to contribute to India’s ambitious climate targets and lower carbon emissions, the central government is planning to introduce the next stage of norms for fuel economy or efficiency of automobiles.

Corporate Average Fuel Economy

  • About: CAFE stands for Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency/Economy, focusing on the weighted average of emissions and economy for the entire fleet.

oBS6, however, targets specific emissions like hydrocarbons, sulfur, and NOx.

  • CAFE's Priority: CAFE norms prioritize fuel consumption, emphasizing the quantity of fuel consumed.
  • Importance of CAFE: It regulations play a crucial role in reducing overall fuel consumption and emissions. They contribute significantly to environmental conservation efforts.
  • Fairness to Manufacturers: Indian automotive manufacturers face challenges in meeting CAFE norms, which are stringent but environmentally necessary.

oCompliance with these norms is essential for safeguarding the environment.

  • Combined Impact: The integration of CAFE regulations with BS6 norms can lead to a substantial decrease in emissions.

oWhile CAFE focuses mainly on COx emissions, BS6 addresses a broader range, including NOx and SOx.

Purpose of CAFE regulations:

  • The CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Efficiency) regulations aim to reduce the overall COx (Carbon Oxides) from the vehicle’s exhaust.
  • The reduced carbon footprint leads to increased fuel economy.
  • These regulations were first implemented on 1st April 2017 with BS4 exhaust emission norms.
  • It was decided the highest carbon footprint allowed was 130gm per km till 2022. After that, the till will be further reduced to 113gm per km.
  • CAFE regulations are in power for all engines. Diesel, Petrol, as well as CNG.