AGNI INITIATIVES (Syllabus: GS Paper 1 – Government Scheme)

Context: Recently, the Central Council for Research in Ayurveda Sciences (CCRAS), launched the "Ayurveda Gyan Naipunya Initiative" (AGNI) aimed at enhancing knowledge and skills for physicians practicing in the field of Ayurveda.

Ayurveda Gyan Naipunya Initiative" (AGNI)

  • Nodal Ministry: MMinistry of AYUSH
  • Aim: To provide a platform to Ayurveda practitioners for reporting their innovative practices & and experiences in various disease conditions.
  • Objective: To promote the culture of reporting evidence-based practices among the Ayurveda Practitioners.
  • To document successful treatments for various diseases for the purpose of education and academics.
  • To identify interested practitioners for collaboration and capacity building through training in research methods and clinical practices.
  • To undertake research for mainstreaming pragmatic practices through scientific validation and evidence-based appraisal.

Central Council for Research in Ayurveda Sciences (CCRAS)

  • About: It is an autonomous body under Ministry of AYUSH.  
  • Aim: To undertake, coordinate, formulate, develop and promote research on scientific lines in Ayurveda.

Other Initiatives to Promote Ayurveda

  • SPARK: This program focuses on providing research opportunities in Ayurveda for undergraduate scholars.
  • PG-STAR : The PG-STAR scheme is designed to offer training in Ayurveda research specifically tailored for postgraduate scholars.
  • SMART: The SMART program aims to integrate Ayurveda research into the mainstream for teaching professionals, fostering a connection between research and teaching in the field.