Aaj Ka Quality Enrichment Program     7th June 2023     Save    
India: Dynamic Museum of opportunities:
  • Meaning: It suggests that India possesses a diverse range of prospects/opportunities across multiple domains.
  • It signifies the potential for growth, development, and innovation in the country.
  • Usage: Opportunities for youths, women, Persons with Disabilities, entrepreneurs, investors, R&D and innovation, international collaboration in climate change, India's digital stack, India as global health hub, Semiconductors. Huge Demand base (Domestic Market), etc.

Voices from the grassroots: 
  • Meaning: It refers to the perspectives, opinions, and experiences of individuals or communities at the local level who may have limited access to power, influence, or resources. The keyword signifies the importance of participation of people at the local level in decision making and programme implementation.
  • Usage: SHGs, Bottom-Up approach [Participatory and grassroot democracy], Panchayati raj system & Gram Sabha, 5th & 6th schedule (Tribal rights), Traditional methods, innovation, & environmental solution at the local level, citizen charters, social audits, NGOs & Civil Societies etc.

Catalysts of change:
  • Meaning: It refers to individuals, events, or factors that play a significant role in initiating or driving transformation, progress, or shifts in various aspects of society.
  • Usage: People (Youth, Women, Innovators, Agripreneurs, etc), Factors (Education, New age Skills, Health, Urbanisation, infrastructure, Technological advancements, Scientific discoveries, Good Governance, Social Justice and Social Harmony, etc.), Events (introduction of GST/IBC, COVID pandemic, Success of international coalition in climate change (Ex-Montreal Protocol))

From Empty-Mile issues to Last Mile Solutions:
  • Meaning: It represents a shift in focus and approach to address ineffective solutions to long term solutions in a process of transformation. 
    Empty-Mile issue:
    Lack of Planning, Inefficient implementation of schemes/initiatives, Policy Leakage.
    Last Mile Solution:
     Implementing effective planning, service delivery at doorstep, Antyodaya approach, Inclusive policies/Schemes.
  • Usage: Transportation & Logistics sector, Supply chain, Scheme implementation, (DBT, Social Justice, Economy, Digital divide, Gender gap etc.)

Fighting pollution through plantation/greening the region: URBAN FORESTRY:
  • Commission for Air Quality Management in NCR & Adjoining Areas (CAQM) has been laying emphasis on large-scale greening/ dense plantation/urban foresting initiatives for mitigation of air pollution.

Steps taken:
  • Expanding the net of "Nagar Van" and "Nagar Vatika"
  • Adoption of Miyawaki technique for dense plantation in limited urban spaces.
  • Mass plantation drives focusing on proper nurturing and better survival rate, prioritizing native species Target oriented action plans for Greening/ paving of central verges and sidewalks along the entire road network.
    However, it is just an example of corrective measures, post-disaster. The need is to make (safety drives) a regular practice to prevent such accidents.
Methods of reducing carbon footprint in road construction:
  • It includes: Utilization of plastic waste in the construction of service roads, the application of Cement Treated Base (CTB) and Cement Treated Sub Base (CTSB), and use of 'RAP' (Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement) for the road's surface.
Success Story: Rehabilitation of manual scavengers:
  • Manual scavengers’ free districts: 508 districts out of the total 766 districts in India have declared themselves manual-scavenging free.
Steps taken to eliminate manual scavenging:
  • Scheme for rehabilitation of manual scavengers: A one-time cash pay-out, connected to skills training programmes, subsidies and loans are available to set up own business.
  • NAMASTE scheme: For 100% mechanization of sewer work (Rs. 100 cr allocation in Union Budget 2023-24).
Regulations of EVs:
  • Indian EVs are classified under Section GSR 29(E) of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules.
  • But regulations for motorbikes don’t apply to e-bikes as they are not considered motor vehicles under the law.
  • FAME-II (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid & Electric Vehicles): This phase aims to generate demand in e-Buses, e-3 Wheelers, e-4 Wheeler Passenger Cars (including Strong Hybrid) and e-2 Wheelers. 
Iran launched its hypersonic missile:
  • Named ‘Fattah’ or “Conqueror” in Farsi is the hypersonic missile unveiled by Iran recently.
  • Hypersonic missile: A hypersonic weapon is a weapon capable of travelling at hypersonic speed, defined as between 5 and 25 times the speed of sound.
Vice President speech: 
  • On Scientific & Research Community: Indian genius is premium, Indian genius is at the front line of not only national but global development.
  • On India: We are a forward-looking nation, to have a look in a rear-view mirror is a lopsided, short-sighted approach. 
  • On Individual: When you are marching ahead, never carry the baggage of yesterday on your shoulders. If you do that, chances are your progress will be impeded. 
  • The need is to look ahead to analyze the visions, missions, welfare and good of humanity.


Kerala HC ruling on Women’s Bodily Autonomy:
  • Kerala high court (HC) recently affirmed the women’s bodily autonomy. It said that nudity isn’t obscenity per se.
  • Basis: The basis of morality when it comes to women’s bodies is usually male control, which sees women’s bodies as passive property. 
  • Earlier, Supreme Court (2022): In case of COVID vaccination, said that bodily autonomy and integrity of an individual are protected under Article 21 of the Constitution and can’t be forced for vaccination.
Augmented & Virtual Reality:
  • Definition: Augmented reality (AR) augments the existing surroundings by adding digital elements to a live view, often by using the camera on a smartphone. 
  • Virtual reality (VR) is a completely immersive experience that replaces a real-life environment with a simulated one
Reverse Engineering:
  • Definition: Reverse engineering, also called back engineering, is a process or method through which one attempts to understand through deductive reasoning how a previously made device, process, system, or piece of software accomplishes a task. 
  • It is essentially the process of opening up or dissecting a system to see how it works, in order to duplicate or enhance it.
Retail Inflation (Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation):
  • Definition: It measures the change in the price of a basket of goods and services over a given period of time. Base Year for CPI is 2012.
  • The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) uses CPI data to monitor inflation.
  • Core inflation: A measure of inflation that captures changes in the price of goods and services, excluding food and energy.
Quote on Abuse of Power: “The abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power”. - WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE
  • Meaning: It highlights the idea that when individuals in positions of power detach themselves from any sense of remorse or accountability, they are more likely to abuse their authority.