QEP Pocket Notes


From veil of secrecy to dawn of transparency and accountability:
  • Meaning: It signifies a shift from a state of concealment, secrecy, or lack of transparency to one where openness, transparency, and accountability are prioritized. This transition often implies greater public access to information and a commitment to responsible and ethical governance. 
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to - Political reforms, Civil services reforms, Ethics (transparency and accountability), RTI and institutions, Judiciary Etc.
Melting pot of diversity: 
  • Meaning: It signifies a diverse and multicultural environment or society where people from various backgrounds, cultures, ethnicities, and identities come together to create a rich and inclusive community.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to – Art & culture (lang., religion, cuisine etc.), India’s diversity – democracy, human rights, soft power diplomacy, Inclusiveness, migration and refugee Etc.
3As: Affordable, available, and accessible:
  • Meaning: It represent a set of principles and goals that are often emphasized when discussing essential services, goods, or resources. This keyword is very useful and aims is to create a more equitable and inclusive society where essential services and resources are within reach for everyone.
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to – Health, education and Skill development programmes, electricity or energy, Justice system, Gov. services, Etc.
Jobless growth to job-oriented growth: 
  • Meaning: It reflects a shift in the focus of economic development and policy from mere economic expansion to the creation of meaningful employment opportunities for the workforce. 
  • Usage: It can be used in questions related to - Environment – Demographic dividend and economic growth, Education and skill, unemployment, Make in India, inclusive and sustainable growth, India’s transition towards inclusive and developed nation, Etc.


Example of improving immunization of child under Indradhanush Mission:
  • Case: UP.
  • Step taken: The immunisation wheel, called a teekakaran chakra in Hindi is distributed to ASHA workers. This is helping them to calculate the due date of vaccinations of newborn babies during vaccination drives and track the immunization cycle successfully.
Example of public participation and collective effort:
  • Case: Sambhal district, UP.
  • Step taken: With the participation of 70 villages of thousands population, have revived a dries river named Sot river and planted more than 10 thousand bamboo saplingson the banks of the river, so that her banks remain completely safe.


Key facts related to women representation in politics:
  • According to the Inter-Parliamentary Union, India ranks 148th out of 193 countries in terms of women’s representation
  • The women representation in India’s Parliament is around 14% while the global average is 26.5%. 
  • Similarly, women’s representation in state assemblies is also dismal, ranging from 3.1% in Nagaland to 23.1% in Bihar. 


Prime Minister’s speech:
  • On challenges: If we are determined, we can overcome the biggest challenges and bring about a big change.


National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) on Joshimath landslide:
  • Joshimath has far surpassed its carrying capacity and must be declared a zone of “no new constructions”.
  • Also, the Central Building Research Institute (CBRI) has recommended that good construction typology, practice, material, regulatory mechanism and awareness were a must among stakeholders based on geotechnical and geo-climatic conditions.
  • It has also sought a plan for “phased dedensification of Joshimath and similar locations.”


Carbon Credit:  
  • Definition: Carbon credits, also known as carbon offsets, is a unit of measurement used in the carbon market to represent the reduction, removal, or avoidance of one metric ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) or its equivalent greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It is a key component of cap-and-trade systems and other market-based mechanisms aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate change.
Cloud Seeding:
  • Definition: Cloud seeding is an artificial weather modification technique used to enhance precipitation (rain or snow) in clouds. It involves the introduction of substances (dry ice or silver iodide aerosols), known as cloud seeding agents into clouds to encourage the formation of ice crystals or raindrops.


Quote on Conservation of Resources: When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.”. –  BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
  • Meaning: The quote is a well-known proverb that emphasizes the importance of valuing and conserving resources, particularly when they become scarce or unavailable. It underscores the idea that people often take things for granted until they are no longer readily available.
QEP Pocket Notes