Will today’s economic scratch leave a scar?

Newspaper Rainbow Series     2nd July 2020     Save    

Context: Numerous factors are holding back the potential growth of India, which is necessary for a sustained recovery. The future of growth depends on cleaning and reforming the damaged economy of India.

Significance of the concept of ‘potential growth’: It refers to the level of economic growth that can be sustained without stoking inflation or other micro imbalances.

    • Long-term equity investors pin their hopes on high potential growth when building up their positions.
    • It influences the sovereign ratings that India receives by determining the level of public borrowings.
    • It helps policymakers in devising proper fiscal support.

Factors affecting India’s Potential Growth: Potential growth could fall by 1% to 5% in post-pandemic world.

  • Weak global growth environment: Potential growth fell from over 7% before the global financial crisis to 6% on the eve of a pandemic.
  • Labour displacement: Rural migration has impacted the availability of labour in cities. However, it is expected that migrants will return to the cities post-pandemic.
  • About 60% of the rural migration is aspiration led.
  • Government policies to boost rural wages might retain some workers in villages, but the workers searching for higher-income will move back to urban areas.
    • Weak financial sector: It could act as the key driver of 1 percentage point drop in potential growth.
  • Growth in the sector was slowing even before the pandemic, with rising non-performing assets and shadow banking facing liquidity issues.
  • Benefits of the buoyant capital market go mostly to the highly rated companies; lack of demand would resist trickle-down of the benefits to small vendors.
  • The softening of bank credit and rising dependence on corporate bonds suggests that bond market buoyancy was not able to offset banking distress.
    • Damaged Consumer and government spending: as both are grappling with their problems:
  • Consumers are uncertain about jobs.
  • The government has entered the pandemic with elevated debt load and is not able to expand much.

Way Forward:

  • Important reforms needed:
  • To tackle the reasons for previous buildup of bad loans like those related to the land and power sector.
  • To clean up corporate/bank balance sheets (E.g.: more efficient Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code)