Welcome Relief for Migrant

Newspaper Rainbow Series     22nd June 2020     Save    

Context: Already underemployed rural workforce in addition to returning migrant workers would depress wages all around and create financial distress for both of them.

Government Initiatives for Rural and Migrant Workforce

  • Increased outlay for MGNREGA schemes by an additional Rs 40,000 crore. 
  • New employment scheme (GKRY) for the returning migrants offering them work for 125 days by combining 25 ongoing programmes of rural development.

Irrelevancy of Creating a New Scheme

  • Returning migrant workers will displace existing rural workforce: as instead of creating the additional work requirement for returning migrant workers, new scheme combines ongoing programmes that are already serving the employment needs of rural workforce.
  • Time involved in processing the new scheme will deprive returnees of much needed immediate relief.
  • No need for artificial disincentive: as depressed rural wages and elevated wages in the town create the incentive for workers to return. 

Conclusion: Instead of creating a new scheme it would have been better to increase the scope for MGNREGA as per the demand for work and create fresh employment opportunities for returning migrant workers.