Transparency During a Crisis

Newspaper Rainbow Series     23rd June 2020     Save    

Context: Proper implementation of the Right to Information Act is more crucial now than ever before

Challenges to Right to Information:

  • PMCARES Fund: RTI applications have been stonewalled
  • No information exists on the o?cial website regarding the donors and details of beneficiaries.
  • No public scrutiny available for the PM headed trust.
  • Democracy Undermined: 
  • Development of corrosive narrative: that public scrutiny is undesirable in times of crisis undermines the basic tenet of democracy i.e. citizens’ participation.
  • Absence of information: It is impossible for intended beneficiaries to get their due food grains and other government services because of lack of information
  • Indifference of the watchdogs: 21 out of 29 commissions in the country did not hold a single hearing during the ?rst three stages of lockdown.

Way Forward:

  • Ensure access to information: 
  • Relevant information provides hope to the vulnerable sections of during healthcare emergencies; also maintains trust in public institutions.
  • Information (about stocks and prices) helps in the effective delivery of goods and services (like food grains).
  • Greater openness: will prevent controversies related to faulty testing kits and fake ventilators.
  • Indian Council of Medical Research halted Chinese imported testing kits’ based on the complaints from various States.
  • Shunting of the patients from one hospital to another can be prevented if the information of real-time availability of beds is publicly open.
  • Relevant information must be made available in local languages. (statutory obligation: Section 4 of the RTI)
  • Use of technology: to hear urgent matters and dispose of cases by audio and video conferencing as done by the Central Information Commission and some State Information Commissions.

Conclusion: At a time when incentives for secrecy are great, and the scope for discretionary actions wide, it is critical to creating a culture of openness to empower people to participate meaningfully in the decisions that have profound e?ects on their lives and livelihoods.