Transforming Higher Education

Newspaper Rainbow Series     23rd July 2020     Save    

Context: Pandemic has given the opportunity to bridge the gulf between the university curriculum and actual job requirements.

Ideal learning outcomes from higher education:

  • To provide knowledge in the relevant discipline to the students. 
  • Imparting them with the skills needed for their jobs/enterprises. 
  • Playing a constructive role in shaping the society using the values and ideals of a progressive society.

Reforms needed in higher education:

  • Re-evaluating the syllabus every now and then is very much essential.
  • Substantive industrial internships, while retaining only a very basic outline of essential concepts 
  • Evaluation: Mix of regular assignments, performance in the internship as rated both by the industry and the college along with the home-based proctored exam. 
  • Spending more time on the development of skills and prosocial attitudes that will help the student lead an enriching life. 

Conclusion: The higher education sector has multiple stakeholders and multiple vested interests. The pandemic has given the opportunity to usher in bold and transformational reforms.