Those in need

Newspaper Rainbow Series     29th June 2020     Save    

Context: There is a need to widen the scope of collateral free loans to the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), as it excludes a sizable section of the MSME sector.

Limitations of the fiscal package: 

  • Availed mostly by small MSME’s: Data from the Finance Ministry shows that average loan amount is low, between Rs 4-5 lakhs, indicating their precarious financial conditions.
  • Demand side issues: Demand for the credit is low because:
        • MSME’s final consumption demand has fallen.
        • High interest rate charged puts them at risk.
  • Supply side issues: Only companies with good credit rating are able to raise funds, other continue to struggle due to economic slowdown.

Way Forward:

  • Widening the scope:  Extending the scheme to include ‘individual borrowers’—small traders, businessmen and self-employed workers, which accounts for a sizeable portion of labour force.