There’s no One to fill Mahalanobis’s Shoes

Newspaper Rainbow Series     7th July 2020     Save    

Context: Framing data-based policies during the COVID-19 outbreak is needed for the welfare and development of people affected by the pandemic.

Role played by P.C. Mahalanobis to promote data-driven governance:

  • Bengal Famine Survey: He conducted a large-scale sample survey of Bengal’s famine-ravaged villages to assess the estimate of the number of people affected. 
  • Statistical heritage: He built up a strong and trustworthy statistical heritage in India. 
      • Large-scale sample surveys: He envisaged large-scale sample surveys as statistical engineering rather than a pure theory of sampling.
  • Institutional setup: He was instrumental in establishing the NSS and the Central Statistical Organization.
    • Uncompromised Data Accuracy: He set up independent supervisory staff during the conduct of field operations by the National Sample Survey (NSS) for the collection of reliable data.
  • Technology promotion: The Mahalanobis led Indian Statistical Institute procured India’s ?rst computer in 1956 and the second in 1959.

Issues with data collection in India:

  • Socio-political reasons: Even in the pre-COVID era, the surveyors were widely reported to have face resistance from the people.
    • Conducting a survey in the age of contagion is even much harder.
  • Non-accurate data: Accuracy of different sorts of data from, economic data to Covid-19 data is under the scanner.

Need for data-based policies to overcome the impact of COVID-19 crisis:

  • Data collection: We need estimates of the millions whose jobs and economic conditions will deteriorate in COVID-19-hit India. 
  • For E.g. The extent of feasibility, success, and problem of online access needs to be properly estimated.
  • Importance given to accuracy: Need to have built-in cross-checks and to get an estimate of errors in sampling like Inter-Penetrating Network of Subsamples to improve data accuracy.
  • Use of technology: In addition to using masks and sanitizers while sending investigators for a socioeconomic survey.
  •  Using different sorts of secondary data.
  •  Adopting big data technology.
  • Need for a statistician for analyzing the data for framing data-based policy decisions for human welfare and national development.