The Search for Unity in a Moment of Crisis

Newspaper Rainbow Series     6th July 2020     Save    

Context: India must treat all minorities in an even-handed and mature manner to bring complete unity in the moment of crisis.

Impact of the lockdown on marginalized sections of the society:

  • Migrant labour crisis: Adverse impact of the lockdown on millions of migrant labourers, who were deprived of their means of livelihood.
  • Spreading of infections to rural areas:  Exodus of migrants to their homes caused the infection to spread to the rural hinterland. 
  • Spread of communal virus: The Tablighi Jamaat issue was used by certain sections of the electronic media to profile minorities.
  • Partisanship: Instances of the police being partisan in the investigations pertaining to the riots in north-east Delhi before the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Promoting India’s brand of secularism:

  • Avoid profiling any community: By upholding fundamental values of the Constitution in letter and spirit.
  • Inter-religious tolerance: Embedded in our life and culture need to be promoted.
  • Sarva Dharma Sambhava: Pluralist and syncretic character of the society with Sarva Dharma Sambhava should become the guiding principle. 
  • Unity during crises: The country must provide even-handed and mature treatment to Dalits, Muslims, Christians, and all minorities.