The New Great Gambit

Newspaper Rainbow Series     30th June 2020     Save    

Context: The stand-off in Ladakh along the LAC is symptomatic of aggressive behaviour by China towards many of its neighbours. With multinational efforts, the Chinese behaviour can be countered.

Aggressive Chinese Behaviour

  • China’s muscle flexing: China is no longer a country to be influenced easily by the US as it used to in the last decade when the US could get China to back off from obstructing Indo-US nuclear deal. 
  • No a Peaceful rise: The killing of the Indian soldiers and threatening Chinese military posture showcases the predicted violent rise of China. 
  • Not a responsible behaviour: China’s actions, including doubts over Covid-19, have raised certain normative questions on China’s big power status.
    • China has been misusing its power by supporting Pakistan, even if that means protecting terrorist entities.
    • China signed Non Proliferation Treaty, but continued its proliferation; supported nuclear programmes in North Korea, Pakistan and Iran.
  • Challenges to India:
    • India has immediate problems on security and economic fronts.
    • Chinese efforts are directed towards lowering Indians prestige and simultaneously wooing its South Asian neighbour by reaching out to Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Multinational effort to Influence Chinese behaviour

  • The recognition of China as a common threat: because of its aggressive policies in South and Southeast Asia.
  • Special cooperation mechanisms should be instituted for strengthening the militaries of frontline countries.
  • The recognition of Shared values: among middle powers can help bind countries over China’s doubtful and irresponsible behaviour like:
  • Support to Pakistan, even if that meant protecting terrorist entities.
  • Continued proliferation activities even after joining NPT.
  • Support to nuclear and missile programmes in North Korea, Pakistan, and Iran trace.
  • Disobeyed normative elements in multilateral institutions. 
  • Criticism against China on Covid-19.
  • Economic Cooperation: China’s influence in the global market makes it difficult for other countries to de-couple at will. Viable alternatives, if available, can help in recalibration of economic relationships.

Conclusion: India must give a strategic message to China that it is not a low-cost option on China’s still-to-be-updated Himalayan chessboard.