The coming economic war with China

Newspaper Rainbow Series     19th June 2020     Save    

Context: The economic war with China is inevitable because closeness is now a basic need for domestic politics. 

Reversal of economic openness: is likely to be seen in the next three years similar to post World War 2.

  • Employment no longer just an economic outcome: it has become the most important political objective
  • Plotting the trajectory from openness to closedness: post-1945
  • John Maynard Keynes provided the intellectual tool in the form of government fiscal interventions to shore up economic activity during high unemployment.
  • Harry Dexter White, provided financial tools for openness through the creation of an International Bank for Reconstruction and development, the IMF and the GATT.
  • After 1991 till 2016: the world opened up as had been in 1914 to money and goods but not labor.
  • While it was openness which led to the demise of the Soviet Union in 1991, its reversal is what will lead to the demise of China.
    • Unsustainable monetary fluff: created by the US after 1985 has led to too much debt, risking the danger of another 2008 like a crisis.
    • Goodbye to capital account convertibility: The closedness will lead to trapping of domestic savings within the national boundaries.
    • China subjected to Triffin’s Dilemma: which means a country can’t provide the reserve currency to the world and yet run a current account surplus.

India’s Options:

    • No option but to shut China out: 
    • The award for projects should entirely stop.
    • Aim to halve the imports from China.
    • Tackle China’s inflexible politics and flexible economics by restoring flexible markets with flexible politics, what India has.