The China Challenge

Newspaper Rainbow Series     16th June 2020     Save    

Context: Contemporary global order dominated by Chinese economic hegemony due to the fragmented global institutional matrix is rapidly transitioning into a new democracy based multilateral global order.

Need for New Global Order 

  • China’s economic rise: global, rules-based order is under pressure which involves great cost for nations.
  • China’s irresponsible conduct during the pandemic: has woken the world up to the dangers of getting seduced by its economic heft. 
  • Fragmentation: in the global institutional framework matrix and its inability in managing emerging global challenges. 
  • US’s ignorance for multilateralism (‘America First’ and withdrawal from global frameworks and institutions): paved the way for China’s assertion as the saviour of existing global order.

Democracy based Future Global Multilateral Order 

  • The UK’s proposed alliance of democratic countries as alternative suppliers of 5G equipment and other technologies, to reduce Chinese dependence.
  • Inter-Parliamentary Alliance to construct appropriate and coordinated responses, and help craft a proactive and strategic approach on issues related to China.
  • US’s proposed extension of the G-7 to include Australia, Russia, South Korea and India. 

Conclusion: India’s democratic credentials as crucial variables in the evolution of its foreign policy trajectory (Quad) must be utilized for establishing democracy-based new multilateral global order.