Some good news about the environment

Newspaper Rainbow Series     22nd June 2020     Save    

Context: Assessment of our present conservation efforts and campaigns.

Current situation of the environment:

  • Overpopulation: Practically on the brink of an overpopulated, disaster of a planet. (UN’s World Population Prospects 2019, Population will increase by 2 billion in the next 30 years). 
  • The Paradox: There is a drastic change in birth rate (from 6 babies in 1800 to 2.5 in recent times) which is possible through poverty eradication measure and education. But this necessarily did not turn into a reduction of population. 
  • The existing children will grow up. The 2.2 billion children now will grow to become 2.2 billion adults and 2.2 billion old people. Due to the projected increase in life expectancy, there is also expected to be 1 billion more old people. 
  • Deforestation: We all well knew about the fact that fewer forests mean, lesser carbon dioxide recycling, and more global warming. The extensive loss of habitat and biodiversity causes loss to forests. 

Current assessment of our effort: 

  • Afforestation effort: 
  • The UN has unveiled plans to plant urban forests to create green areas. India set records in 2017, planting 66 million trees in 12 hours in Madhya Pradesh.
  • The Great Green Wall - At present, it stands about 15% completed. Once complete, it will be the largest living structure in the world.
  • Mission for preventing sixth mass extinction: The countless missions—save the Tigers, Save the Rhinos, Save the Pandas—dedicated to safeguarding species.
  • Tiger numbers have made a comeback: From the 2010 estimate of 3,200, their numbers have gone up to about 3,900 in 2016 (Tx2 project)
  • Giant Pandas were classified as endangered in 1996. But as of 2015, its status has moved to the vulnerable.

Conclusion: Considering the current assessment, we have to be better educated and better equipped to handle the problems we will face in the future.