Rogue Police Harms Economy as Well

Newspaper Rainbow Series     2nd July 2020     Save    

Context: The custodial deaths of a father and son in Tamil Nadu serve as a cruel reminder of the urgent need for police reforms. 

Rogue Police Poses Threats to

  • Life and security of citizens.
  • Democracy and the rule of law.
  • Ease of doing business environment.

Issues in Police System 

  • Unimplemented recommendations: of several multiple commissions since 1971 and 2006 Supreme Court judgment on certain aspects of police reforms.
  • No safeguards against the dehumanisation: of either civilians or the police.
  • Political interference
    • Police being a state subject, is marred with undue interference over transfers and postings.
    • It creates an incentive system which rewards a policeman who fall in line with political masters.
  • Shortage of manpower: particularly at the level of constable and sub inspector. 
    • India has about half the UN-recommended police-to-population ratio of 222 per lakh.
  • Long working hours and less time off: due to shortages and deployment in policing assignments coupled with low salaries and poor living conditions.
  • Command system: encourages corruption result in dehumanising of the police force itself. 

Conclusion: Instead of switching to the punitive measures that involve death penalties, Indian policing system is in the dire need of systemic overhaul.