Rethinking Work, Home and Office

Newspaper Rainbow Series     27th July 2020     Save    

Context: Working from home will reshape the labour market and the real estate market.

Impact on Real Estate Market:

  • Expected Changes:
  • Change in the mainstream business: Now mainstream business conventions have changed; a sales pitch on a video call has been normalised.
  • Offices will be restricted to in-person meetings: will become more like convention centres, with meeting rooms and catering, with a small full- time facilities management crew.
  • Conflicting phenomenon in over-crowded offices: 
        • Some offices will upgrade to a higher area per employee (to traditional styles of work but with greater hygiene) – thus greater demand for Commercial Real Estate.
        • Other offices will graduate to more WFH and thus demand less CRE.
  • Residential location will be more influenced by nature and culture rather than commute time:
        • Locations with modern culture will be prized.
  • Reduced Cultural Gap: 
        • There will be a two-way feedback loop between art, culture and broadband, and new residential arrangements. 
        • The cultural gap between the north and the south will be accentuated.
  • Negative Impacts:
  • Interaction-intensive consumer-facing services will face challenges.
        • E.g. Malls, restaurants, gyms, and movie halls have been hit hard and there is a shift towards e-commerce.
      • Declining prices: Due to the inflexibility of India real estate to repurpose Commercial Real estate into Residential Real estate, will lead to a fall in real estate prices.
  • Positive Impacts
      • Reduced physical presence has its positive benefits, in terms of reducing groupthink.
      • Productivity gains through WFH, by reducing the cost of travel/commute.
      • Better communication between the senior and those at the lower level.

Impact on Labour:

  • Positive Impacts:
      • Labour supply by women: A vast untapped resource in India is educated women who are not working.
        • This will exert a negative impact on wages in the job profiles where it has an impact.
        • Emergence of more women in the public sphere will induce social modernisation.
  • Reduced need for Residential Real Estate: 
        • If an office only requires a few visits a week, there is a reduced need to live near the office.
        • Reduced commute time.
  • Direct hiring by global companies: 
        • Once WFH works for global corporations, the logical next step for them will be placing the workers in India.
        • Demand for this kind of labour will go up, the price will rise, and the invisible earnings will support the rupee.